Fabric deteriorates over time. This pair of antique candlelight shades had to be restored to be able to use the antique gooseneck desktop lamp.
The two candlelight shades have an uno fitting.
Both shades fit a small lamp with two gooseneck fittings for the shades.
The uno fitting screws onto the light fixture.
The shade hangs down instead of sitting on a harp. This is not the lamp or the shades for this current project. The pictured light shows a gooseneck candlelight lamp. The shades on the pictured gooseneck are styrene shades. The current project shades are fabric.
These antique lamps are so pretty and make beautiful accent lighting.
To prolong the life expectancy of these shades, I recommend using narrow and low watt bulbs. The eco friendly bulbs also come in this narrow width.
After my customer has received their shades, I will post the finished fabric candlelight shades.